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On April 11 and 12, 2015 Alex Garcia, Post Graduate in Special Education Specialization level, was present in the City of São Francisco de Assis/RS, where he gave a class, sharing his knowledge and experiences with the Postgraduate Course students in Educational Specialized Care (ESA) offered by the Faculty Celer and Escola de Educação Profissional Caio Fernando Abreu (Professional Education School Caio Fernando Abreu).

In these meetings the students had the opportunity to experience part of the routine of a deafblind person. Alex, who has this disability, gave practical class about deafblindness for regular students.

Here as a student and educational coordinator, I want to register how great it was to be in the presence of Professor Alex that even with his limitations, he is not and he cannot be considered a "disabled person", but efficient, warrior, human being worthy of the victories he won.

A person who wrote his own life story. He did not give up the many problems he faced and the lack of preparation of people and teachers who have gone through it. Alex has an intelligence and skill almost unbelievable. It is an exemplary person to the point of having done ESA class reflect on the various situations-problems they face, thinking about giving up, complain and often drop everything. He taught us to be persistent, to fight for Human Rights, no matter if we are people with disability or not. He taught us to respect people and to feel as deafblind to be able to understand them.

In particular my person had the pleasure to be his interpreter, that is, the voice of the class and his eye sight in the classroom. This learning has given me a great joy, perhaps for being the sense of the other. On behalf of the class of the city, and of College Celer, I want to thank for the knowledge shared into conversations with Alex Garcia and father Mr. Enio Garcia who was also present.

I wish that every day more people can see the person with disabilities as efficient and capable, and especially to believe in it as did the family of Alex. May the community give opportunities for people like Alex have voice and time in society. Finally, difficulties do exist, but so what? You can be bigger than them. You just need to have willpower, to be motivated and be persistent.

Please click here to see the pictures:

I am available to help Alex, anytime

Diovana Ramos

Educational Coordination - Escola de Educação Profissional Caio Fernando Abreu (Professional Education School Caio Fernando Abreu) SEG-Santiago/RS. Av.Júlio de Castilhos Nº 597 B.Centro. CEP: 97700-000. 55-3251-2720. 55-3251-0474

All the best! Alex Garcia -